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Kit Plummer
Software Engineer :: Researcher :: Techitect :: Evangelist :: Advisor

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MIL-STD-2525 Service Needed

MIL-STD-2525B is a subset/cousin of a STANAG standard for military symbology. We’re interested in these symbols as map icons. There’s proprietary options - but, that forces a specific library/framework.

Obviously, especially within the Mil/DoD space, not everything makes sense to be an Open Source Software project. But, then somethings just lend themselves to the Open Technology Development ideals.

Where there is low intellectual property and high-potential for existing OSS reuse - it’s one of those latter prospects.

All I want to be able to do is retrieve the appropriate icon based on a given symbol code

Nothing complicated and sounds like a great web-based service (read API) candidate right?

I’ve talked to at least four different people with different organizations who’ve all purported to have solved this problem internally. I’m trying to work within the Mil-OSS working group here and GTRI (as well as within Accenture) to find a good starting point. But, maybe in this case it is worth just getting something starting - and hoping the build it and they will come attitude works.

This is likely a candidate - but, I can’t help feel like it makes sense for this thing to be fully “Open”.


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